Real Estate Buyers

Tired of Getting Beaten Out in This Tough Market?

There isn't a more competitive Real Estate market than the one we are experiencing today. People are selling their homes within days, or sometimes hours from when the property even hits the market.

Tired of Getting Beaten Out in This Tough Market?
Rocky Markanian


June 17, 2024

Book on the table

No Regrets Buyer’s Guide

Understanding where interest rates are heading can greatly impact your decision to lock in a mortgage rate now or later. The Federal Reserve (Fed) and the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) provide crucial insights into the economy.

No Regrets Buyer’s Guide

June 4, 2024

Buy Low Sell High Book

Buy Low, Sell High: Your Ultimate Guide to Navigating the Real Estate Market

In an environment of high inflation and steady interest rates, making the right moves in the real estate market can be challenging yet rewarding.

Buy Low, Sell High: Your Ultimate Guide to Navigating the Real Estate Market

May 14, 2024

Buy Low Sell High Book
Real Estate Sellers

The Psychology of Selling Your Home: A Homeowner's Guide to Preparing, Persuading, and Selling

In an environment of high inflation and steady interest rates, making the right moves in the real estate market can be challenging yet rewarding.

The Psychology of Selling Your Home: A Homeowner's Guide to Preparing, Persuading, and Selling
Steven McCloskey

CEO - HomeMeta

May 14, 2024

Buy Low Sell High Book
Real Estate Buyers

The Psychology of Buying Your Home: A Homeowner's Mental Guide to Negotiating.

In an environment of high inflation and steady interest rates, making the right moves in the real estate market can be challenging yet rewarding.

The Psychology of Buying Your Home: A Homeowner's Mental Guide to Negotiating.
Steven McCloskey

CEO - HomeMeta

May 14, 2024

Video Marketing Book

Leveraging Video Marketing to Drive Qualified Buyers To Your Home

Video marketing has emerged as a powerful channel for real estate professionals to reach and engage potential home buyers in today's digital landscape.

Leveraging Video Marketing to Drive Qualified Buyers To Your Home

May 1, 2024

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